A 3-Step Guide to Manage Your Toddler's Temper Tantrums

A 3-Step Guide to Manage Your Toddler's Temper Tantrums

All mothers dread temper tantrums, but it is a phase that almost every child goes through between one and four years of age. Since kids are still learning to cope with their emotions, they frequently resort to wailing, kicking, stomping, throwing things, holding their breath, or rolling on the floor during a meltdown. However, these outbreaks can sometimes be healthy, since they are an outlet for your baby’s pent-up anger or feelings.

In kids aged one to two years, the tantrums can stem from the frustration of not being able to communicate effectively and their needs not being understood. But, temper tantrums are usually trigged by the simplest of things such as fatigue, hunger, and incomplete or lack of sleep. Here are three ways you can try to curb and manage your little one’s temper tantrums and keep her happy.

1. Stay calm and composed

It can be quite difficult to remain calm and patient when your child starts bawling while you are outside, and there is an audience. But, showing anger is not a healthy reaction since two agitated minds will only worsen the situation. As hard as it may seem, the first step to subdue your child’s anger is to keep your cool.

2. Don’t give into demands

Sometimes, kids throw tantrums to catch your attention. They may feel you are not listening to them and might think that if they throw a fit you will give in to their demands. Avoid buying a toy or whatever your child is asking for when she throws a temper tantrum. Bring the same item as a gift for her a day or two later when he she behaves herself. This kind of positive reinforcement will not only make your child happy but will also help her understand that nothing good comes out of bad behavior, but good behavior will eventually be rewarded.

3. Minimize surprises

At around two years of age, the temper tantrums become quite frequent, because babies struggle to communicate their needs, and the failure to do so may end in frustrated fits of crying. A sudden change in routine can leave kids baffled and angry. Talk to your baby; don’t underestimate her ability to understand. Prepare her for a change in activity 5 minutes before it happens. For instance, if she knows her playtime is going to get over soon, it is less likely that she will make a fuss when you start putting the toys away.

Babies are always learning passively; they pick up traits from your personality, and your reaction to situations. They look to you for support, love, and reassurance. Understanding your baby’s needs lays the foundation for happy and healthy communication. Mostly, temper tantrums occur due to a lack of understanding. Whenever there is a temper tantrum, it is essential to know when to give in and when to withhold to create positive experiences. This will teach your child how to calm down the next time she’s upset.