Bathing Baby

Bathing Baby

This is one activity which not many babies enjoy in the beginning, as most of them dislike being undressed and getting wet, although there are some babies who enjoy bathing! As a parent, you too may find holding a slippery and restless baby a little unnerving. In this situation, giving your baby a sponge bath would be an option. Feed your baby if you need to before bathing him, to prevent him from getting hunger pangs and getting cranky during bathing.

Steps to Giving Your Baby a Sponge Bath

  • To start with, ensure that everything you need is at hand including bowls of warm water – one with baby wash and the other for rinsing – and a sponge or soft washcloth.

  • Spread a large towel over your lap. Wear an apron to keep yourself dry, preferably a terry cloth with a waterproof backing that will be softer against your baby’s skin than plastic. Undress your baby a little at a time, and keep him wrapped in a towel to keep him warm.

  • Use a wrung-out sponge to prevent water dripping on your baby.

  • First, wipe the baby’s face while being careful of the areas around the eyes and mouth. Pat dry, if necessary. It's a good idea to keep drying each part of baby’s body as you finish washing.

  • The other areas to be washed are the chest, the folds along the body and underarms, back, legs and finally the feet.

Steps to Giving Your Baby a Complete Bath

As already mentioned, all required items must be kept ready beforehand. A clean kitchen sink or a portable tub would be ideal for bathing in the initial stages. A rubber mat or foam support at the bottom of the tub can help make it less slippery and give your baby more grip. The tub should be well supported on a waterproof surface without any drafts present. Ensure that the room is warm so that baby does not catch a chill and is comfortable. The water should be tepid or lukewarm, about 90 degrees Fahrenheit and not too hot. The best way to check the temperature of the water is to dip your elbow into the water, as elbow is particularly sensitive, or you could use a thermometer. You can either put some liquid soap into the bath water or soap your baby while bathing him.

Himalaya Moisturizing Baby Soap is mild and soothing, gently cleaning the skin and helping restore its lost moisture.

Steps to Bathe Baby

  • Fill two to three inches of warm water in the tub, and bring your baby to the bath area and undress him.

  • Lower your baby gradually in to the tub, bottom first, using one hand to support his neck and head.

  • Keep baby in an upright position and pour small quantities of bath water over his chest and stomach. Smile and talk to him continuously to keep him amused.

  • Next, hold baby under his armpit, and while supporting his chest, rinse the upper back and neck.

  • Keep one hand firmly on his shoulder and slide the other under his buttocks. Turn him gently towards you so that he faces upwards as you lift him out of the tub.

Safety Tips

  • Never ever leave your baby alone or unsupervised in the tub. If you do need to answer the door bell or the phone, wrap baby in a towel and take him along.

  • Always ensure the temperature of water is right before using it on your baby’s skin.

  • Don’t put your baby in the tub while the water is still running, as this could alter the temperature or depth of the water.

  • Ensure that the bathing time does not exceed ten minutes, as baby could catch a chill. Also, prolonged baths can lead to excessive skin dryness.